Discovery Process of Piramida Lalakon, Soreang, Bandung, West Java

The suspicion about the existing Pyramid started from early on when Turangga Seta mapped during
expedition to Penataran Temple the reliefs (Blitar East Java, in 2007 to 2009. At the panel relief on
Penataran Temple it was obvious that there were many foreign figures whom came to Nuswantara in
ancient era. It showed a description of how the foreign figures were worship/obedience to our Ancestors.
At one of the panels clearly picturing the existence of Egyptian.

See the comparation, at the left side is Egyptian figure on Penataran Temple relief, while on the right side is Egypt artifact

Another suspicion is the symbolism that there is Hasta Brata at the Palace
today, namely: Banyak, Dalang, Galing, Hardawalika, Kacu Mas, Kandil,
Kutuk and Sawung. Those symbolic objects was usually on display near
the Throne of King. One of the symbol Hasta Brata was Kacu Mas,
Pyramid shaped.
Follow suspicion are after Turangga Seta studied at Prambanan Temple Inscriptions, there was a
mention of the name of Magadha. Then Turangga Seta team looking for stories about the Magadha
Kingdom from serat Pedalangan/puppetry was led by The Supreme King Watu Gunung
Narrated said that The Supreme King Watu Gunung had has invaded
Heaven, managed to win and replace Sang Hyang Guru as the King
of the Tri Loka Buwana and reigned Jong Giri Saloka heaven. After
occupying the throne Jong Giri Saloka heaven, then, The Supreme
King Watugunung have another title as The Master Hyang (Sang
Guru Hyang) known known by Pasundan as Sangkuriang
Actually before that, the Emperor Nuswantara led by The Supreme
King Watu Gunung named Kingdom Gilingwesi, because of an event
of a decision made by Sang Hyang Guru that was have any benefit or
even detrimental to all residents Arcapada (earth), then as a form of
protest because not being heard, The Supreme King Watu Gunung
and his sons, the warlords and the palace courtiers Tumenggung
raided to Jong Giri Saloka heaven.
Having successfully invaded the throne and hold Jong Giri Saloka heaven, and replace Sang HyangBatara Guru, then The Supreme King Watu Gunung carry heirloom cis Jaludara - mace shaped andtook down to Arcapada, then the kingdom name of Gilingwesi was replace into the kingdom of Magadha,
Ma from Sanskrit means a place, Magadha= gadha place (gadha is local name from cudgel).
After studying the story of The Supreme King Watu Gunung with Sangkuriang, then the Turangga Seta
team found similar story. In the myth mentioned that He had kick off the ship upside down and is nowknown by the general public as Mount Tangkuban Perahu, uniquely in the Bandung area also havename of the Gunung Batu , which, if the rules in sanskrit MD (Explaining-Explained) then it is synonymouswith Batu the same meaning with Watu, and or Gunung Batu= Watu Gunung.
After ensuring the existence of ancient kingdom of Magadha which was located in Bandung, then startedcollect some supporting data. From some of the stories found clues that the "Community Pasundan by
the ancestors taught to watch Kabuyutan ', even more interesting was that, it meant Kabuyutan is
Mount (Gunung). Come from these findings Turangga Seta team immediately suspect there are
fraudulent mountains or mountain that hides the actual building.
Having successfully invaded the throne and hold Jong Giri Saloka heaven, and replace Sang HyangBatara Guru, then The Supreme King Watu Gunung carry heirloom Jaludara - mace shaped and
took down to Arcapada, then the kingdom name of Gilingwesi was replace into the kingdom of Magadha,
Ma from Sanskrit means a place, Magadha= gadha place (gadha is local name from cudgel).
The courtiers were returned to the palace, and because came to Arcapada down from heaven, it wassimilar as manifestation of God or Hyang, then the entire region with the name of the earth then known asParahyangan.
After studying the story of The Supreme King Watu Gunung with Sangkuriang, then the Turangga Seta
team found similar story. In the myth mentioned that He had kick off the ship upside down and is nowknown by the general public as Mount Tangkuban Perahu, uniquely in the Bandung area also havename of the Gunung Batu , which, if the rules in sanskrit MD (Explaining-Explained) then it is synonymous
with Batu the same meaning with Watu, and or Gunung Batu= Watu Gunung.
After ensuring the existence of ancient kingdom of Magadha which was located in Bandung, then startedcollect some supporting data. From some of the stories found clues that the "Community Pasundan bythe ancestors taught to watch Kabuyutan ', even more interesting was that, it meant Kabuyutan isMount (Gunung). Come from these findings Turangga Seta team immediately suspect there arefraudulent mountains or mountain that hides the actual building.

Words on Serat Sabda Tama a great works of poet Raden Ngabehi Ranggawarsita (1802-1873) in
Canto three lines to the 12 written :
“ Ndungkari gunung-gunung,
Kang geneng-geneng pada jinugrug,
Parandene tan ana kang nanggulangi
................................ ”
means :
"Opening up the mountains,
the big opening,
and no one can cope"
................................ ”
In Tama Word fibers is clearly seen that there implied that Raden Ngabehi Ranggawarsita stated that
there will be a new era that began with opening of wealth that is stored within the big mountains.
Following the instructions contained in the Serat Uga Wangsit Siliwangi one of paragraphs stated :
“ Engké bakal réa nu kapanggih, sabagian-sabagian. Sabab kaburu dilarang ku nu
disebut Raja Panyelang! Aya nu wani ngoréhan terus terus, teu ngahiding ka
panglarang; ngoréhan bari ngalawan, ngalawan sabari seuri. Nyaéta budak angon;
imahna di birit leuwi, pantona batu satangtungeun, kahieuman ku handeuleum,
karimbunan ku hanjuang. Ari ngangonna? Lain kebo lain embé, lain méong lain banténg,
tapi kalakay jeung tutunggul. Inyana jongjon ngorehan, ngumpulkeun anu kapanggih.
Sabagian disumputkeun, sabab acan wayah ngalalakonkeun. Engke mun geus wayah
jeung mangsana, baris loba nu kabuka jeung raréang ménta dilalakonkeun. Tapi, mudu
ngalaman loba lalakon, anggeus nyorang: undur jaman datang jaman, saban jaman
mawa lalakon. Lilana saban jaman, sarua jeung waktuna nyukma, ngusumah jeung
nitis, laju nitis dipinda sukma. ”
Free translation :
" Some day there will be many things were finding, in parts. For alreday prohibited by the
Substitute Leader. There is a bold to continue tracing, not oblige the ban, search while
resist, resist laughing. He is the Shepherd Boy. His house at the back of the river, its tall
stone door, covered with trees of handeulem and Hanjuang. What he shepherded? Nor
buffalo neither sheep, nor the tiger neither a bull. But the dry leaves and twigs of trees that
cut waste. He continues to search for, collected all of which he found, but encountered a
lot of history /events,the end of and comes another era one who became history/new
events, each time making history. Each time it is and it will be repeated again.”

Free translation of Serat Uga Wangsit Siliwangi mentions several times the name Lalakon of whichmeans history or events, but in the process of mapping a careful, Turangga Seta team found there is alarge hill or Gunungnamed Lalakon located in the area of Soreang, Bandung regency at West Java.
And then Turangga Seta team began looking for any information regarding the presence of Mount Lalakon . In some surrounding community narrative, a story famous Mount Lalakon that stated there washaunted and formerly contained a palace, but the palace was 'lost' and it is believed that the people of theregion around Mount Lalakon assigned to guard Mount Lalakon hereditary

Mount Lalakon, location in Soreang District of Bandung, West Java

Armed with all the results of the initial mapping research then, and Turangga Seta team by Wednesday Legi date December 29, 2010 began what it would called a series of expeditions to uncover what is the mystery behind this Lalakon Mountain

Mount Lalakon the position shows the anomalies, with indication :
  • - Mount Lalakon Position is separate from the group of mountains or hills around it so it should beassumed that Mount Lalakon is evidence of man-made.
  • - Rice fields are fertile around Mount Lalakon, shows that the theory that the mountain/hill made outof the intrusion is anomaly.

.Having made several expeditions to Mount Lalakon series, the Turangga Seta team found some very suspicious characteristics, among others:
1. On the slopes of Mount Lalakon there are layered stones with a size of 2 meters horizontally
and vertically 2 meters.
2. The mountain is arid but never landslide.
3. Soil layer consists of tuffs, breccias are contain from hard andesite, soft andesite and brittle
4. Reports from residents about the land in residential areas at the foot of the mountain they
cannot be made well because it is always hit hard rocks that exist below it, and we look like at
rock formation, we measured it was horizontally from the existing residential population at the
foot of the mountain.
5. Mountain is able to interfere the GPS so it can change the orientation of the GPS compass and
its location can be seen on moving if we are getting closer to the location.

Starting from the mapping directly in the field, then Turangga Seta team from Jakarta, Bandung,
Yogyakarta and Bogor powered with a letter of permission from the village chief, RW, and RT assisted bylocal people team diggers and supported the team as well as Primetime Jakarta and OAI (Organisasi advocat Indonesia)held a trial of stripping the hill which conducted for 3 days (Monday to Wednesday 14to 16 March 2011). And the results are :.

From the evidences on the field we conclude that the volcanic Mount Lalakon not formed naturally,there are pyramids or buildings deliberately covered up by Nuswantara ancestors in ancient times.
The pattern of closure is the accumulation of which was covered with a layer of natural material from top
to bottom with an unnatural arrangement, the step-order (from top to bottom) are as follows :
- Below the surface layer (top soil) was found rocks of andesite boulder depth of 1 to 1.6 m.
- After that a layer of rock (andesite software) as deep as 20 cm.
- Then the soil and its clay-20 cm deep.
- Then the rock (andesite soft) again.
- Until finally rediscovered abtuan andesite boulder at a depth of 3.5 meters.
Rock boulder found as stone possibly positioned to covered pyramid building. These stones have
roughly the same size, between 1-2 meters long, with width and thickness of 30-50 cm. The stone bouldersize was greater when digging deeper, it is our interpretation of the structure in Mount Lalakon is as follows :


In Indonesia there are many temples.
Especially in Java there are a variety of
temples are spread from East Java to the west end of the island of Java.
But there are some peculiarities which can be seen in several temples that exist in Java.
Irregularities visible from the existing statues and reliefs. If the measurements are correct then the years by archaeologists a lot of things that make no sense in the two temples that had we studied the Temple Cetho and Penataran Temple.

The temple is situated on the slopes of Mount Cetho Lawu, located in the hamlet of Ceto, Gumeng Village, District Jenawi, Karanganyar regency, Central Java, at an altitude of 1400 m above sea level.
Judging from its shape, Temple Cetho unlike other temples in Indonesia,but precisely similar to the temples that exist in the civilization of the Incas, Maya in Latin America.

Some archaeologists say that the Temple Cetho Indonesia made ​​the Majapahit era,
precisely at the time of King Brawijaya V.
If so then there are many anomalies that is questionable.
Among other things, stone temple made ​​of stone,
when the Majapahit era, stone temple made ​​of red brick.
Then, judging from the form of reliefs in the Temple Cetho, the level of precision and neatness of the carvings are still very simple. Unlike in Majapahit era depict a much more detailed figures statues or reliefs.
This indicates Temple Cetho age older than Majapahit era.
Likewise, there are statues in the temple shows Cetho many things that are much older than Majapahit era.
There are several sculptures that do not describe the Javanese that existed at that time, the statue is actually more similar to the figure of the Sumerians.
Though Sumerian culture is said to be world's oldest cultures.
From the side of the face and hair pieces do not show the Javanese but it has similarities with the Sumerians, Viking, Roman, or Greek.
But in terms of eye formation is identical with the Sumerian statue.

Of the face and how to dress and jewelry worn not typical of Java but the hallmark of Sumerian,but why is chiseled as people who subject and the face of fear?

When observed the side of the jewelry, to the ear is usually the Javanese use
In the next picture is a picture of the Sumerians that can be taken from the internet.
In the picture can be seen that the form of jewelry similar to those seen in
statue at Temple Cetho.
Habits in Sumer, in the form of jewelry bracelet resembles a watch that is only used by those who from among the nobles and knights.
So is the form of a crown-like hair and beard, dressed in a little way from the other side to that in this picture.
Eye shape is very similar, because the eye is described a large and wide

In the next picture is a picture of the Sumerians that can be taken from the internet.
In the picture can be seen that the form of jewelry similar to those seen in
statue at Temple Cetho.
Habits in Sumer,resembles a bracelet jewelry watches are only used by those who from among the nobles and knights.So is the form of a crown-like hair and beard, dressed in a little way from the other side to that in this picture.
Eye shape is very similar, because the eye is described a large and wide.

If we look further, why is there a statue which is basically very similar to those existing in the Temple Sumerian Cetho. While the Sumerian people who wear clothes like that according to the literature in the era 3000 - 4000 years before Christ.
If they say the first man to have a civilization and social order is good, why do they worship at the temple and looked subdued Cetho?.
So whether our nation there is no civilization at that time or our civilization already more advanced than them?
In addition to connection with the Sumerians, in relief on the temple Cetho Java soldiers depicted in the figure where the images are also contained in the relief panels in Sukuh and in Villahermosa, Mexico.

again let's see, reasonably suspected statue is the figure of the Sumerians in the Temple Cetho with a relief that was in Monte Alban, Qaxaca, Mexico which shows a resemblance.

In the second picture above, the same figure is drawn in fear, surrender and worship or respect.
Is there a civilization of our nation's relationship with the Mayan civilization in Inca
Latin America in the face of the Sumerians?

So did some of the statues found on Sukuh that is located not far from Temple Cetho equally situated on the slopes of Mount Lawu with a height of 1186 m above sea level, located in Hamlet Berjo, Sukuh Village, District Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar regency, Central Java .
Sukuh a temple with a unique building, because there are similarities with the shape of existing buildings at Saqqara Egypt, Chichen Itza and Tenochticlan in Mexico, and Copan in Honduras.
In the region there are several statues Sukuh bodied humans but with wings like a bird, unfortunately his head was missing.

The picture above is a sculpture of the Maya, is images below are
ancient literacy "The Famous Bird-head Haggadah" of the Jewish nation.
But in the back area Sukuh can still be found several statues of human figures with wings that are still intact, and turns his head the shape of animals.
The similarity form of animal-headed human figure turns out there are also similarities in sculpture from the Mayans, ancient literacy in the Jewish nation,
and reliefs and sculptures in the Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian.


The figure of a winged human-headed animal and is often called the Anunnaki in Sumerian relief in the form of jewelry was wearing a similar bracelet wristwatch,
similar to those worn by the nobles and their knights.


Note also the similarity of the human-headed animals on the pictures below:
The picture on the left side of the figure is Pazuzu statue made ​​of black stone which came from Babylon.
The picture on the right side is a statue that comes from the Assyrian civilization,
so is the picture below is a gold-plated bronze plate which also comes from Assyrian.

Whether the relationship in the past between the ancestors of our nation by the Mayans,
Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian and animal-headed human species?


Upgrading the temple located on the southwest slopes of Mount Kelud, precisely in the village of upgrading,
Subdistrict Nglegok, Blitar, East Java; at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level.
In the area of ​​the temple there are many reliefs that are putting the jelly mystery to observe.
Very many reliefs that show foreign nations that we once knew. Figures are always portrayed as a figure that seems subject to the ruling in Penatarantemple.
Unfortunately some of the reliefs have been damaged, but fortunately some parts are still recognizable.
Some of the reliefs in the temple of upgrading that show foreign nations that once we recognize:
In this relief appears there are three people behind the people who were sitting,
and in front there are two people who are worshiping. If you look at the jelly,
people who far left like a dress of ethnic Han [Chinese], then in front of him like those depicted in Angkor Vat [Campa Nations],
and in front of him again resemble those of the Maya,
Inca or Copan originating from Latin America.
Meanwhile, one of which squatted in front of the [far right] looks like a hooded man who Jews.
From this picture one might expect that worship is a sit down and three people standing behind the seat is bodyguard.


Of the two pictures on the side,
looks like there are two reliefs using a cap.
Clothes like these can we find in the area of Turkey, India to Pakistan.
On the left is a relief in Penataran temple with a similar figure to the people of the Middle East.
The statue figure of people from Babylon and the people of Sumer.
Relief in Penataran temple with people dressed in the usual figure found in Africa.


In relief on the above it appears there are three people who are not dressed in the style of our kingdom, where they worship and sat down, dressed like a glimpse of how the Egyptians.
So who are they and what are you doing there?
Having examined the more observant, relief is expected is a picture of three women.
Estimates about them is because women in these reliefs are not bearded.
If a woman is considered Japan or Korea there is inequality in the model when it is said cap-like hair and turbans from India,
then usually use are men who are always portrayed bearded.
Of the three images above is almost similar to the existing reliefs
Upgrading at the temple.
So it can be estimated that there is a figure in relief of Egyptian women.

In addition to visible relief image of a princess who is being worshiped or may be served.
In the background there is the figure of the princess's face is somewhat damaged, but from the hood like headgear Romans.
Someone thought it was a palm tree, but no palm trees that looks like it's curved.
Also not an ornament or decoration because there is no supporting ornaments that can define what it is.
However, when considered as a Roman soldier who was escorting
a daughter with a slightly wavy hair that are characteristic of the daughters of the Romans.
Some Roman hairstyle that can be found in the reliefs in the temple Penataran,
especially at number 3 from the left.

The problem is, why in the national history there is no explanation of how widespread
Our country first?
Ancestors Archipelago managed to take over one of the train ride and shoot in the direction opposite the reliefs that are at level two existing buildings on the Temple Sitihinggil Upgrading very clearly shows the conquest of a nation that is similar to the Indians.

The addition of Indian troops to invade the ancestral archipelago archipelago Ancestors successfully piercing the commander of the Indians in the Americas
Indian troops who had an elephant troop strength, herein lies the measure of year Seems Indian reinforcements rushed and ran to the battlefield

Shortly after successfully mastered, one our fathers crowned the Duke there There is a picture of the tree cactus, and the tree is native to the Americas
The Indians have described similar elephant troops,
and the elephant as an elephant and now and do not resemble mammoths.
Seen in the reliefs that controlled areas are areas
There kaktusnya tree.
Whereas cactus known from the Americas.
With proof of the relief elephants and cactus, it can be estimated that the nation which our forefathers conquered the Kingdom of the Maya of Copan is now located in the country of Honduras.
Relief and above the Elephant picture of the region, Copan - Honduras are similar to those depicted in the temple of upgrading our ancestors; according to experts in America,
elephants are extinct 6500 years ago.
The question is:
"Did our ancestors already had a civilization in 6500 years ago? "

While the picture on the right is the figure of Mayan warriors of the Kingdom
Copan is now located in Honduras.
This relief is the figure of the soldier of the Americas located in Temple Upgrading.
On one side at the bottom of Sitihinggil reliefs in the temple there is a giant Upgrading [Buto] that there are similarities in the sculptures and Rangda masks in Bali.
The similarity of shape and there is also the face of a giant relief sculpture found in Mexico City, where mentioned by archaeologists that the figure was an Aztec king.


In the courtyard there are some forms Penatarantemple giant statue guards or commonly referred to as Dwarapala,
consists of several sizes ranging from very large, medium to small.
In the Mayan civilization also has a giant statue of a guard,
very interesting is the position of the rod are equally in place on the sloping shoulder,
head and clothing accessories are almost the same, only on a small statue of a giant guard in Penatarantemple realized with a more detailed ornamentation.
Small statue of a giant guard in Penatarantemple,
unfortunately the end of his club had been decapitated Statue of small guard at the giant Mayan civilization

In these reliefs we can also see there is a hooded figure but does not show originated from Indonesia.
It states that the relief image and a giant ape-man is another race that time there was,
unlike in Darwin's theory that humans descended from apes tell, this
proves that ordinary people in those days,
and a giant ape-men exist and live side by side.
In relief on the left of the picture looks a giant faces.
Here illustrated that race is different from the human race.
Characterize them are faced ferocious teeth and fangs,
very happy to prey on the human race, thicker hair or dreadlocks.
In terms of culture, they are similar to human culture in that era.
Relief image at right shows a human figure standing upright ape.
The characteristics found on the tail macaques towering upward,
but the hands and feet are similar to humans,
they also use jewelry that is similar to humans in
So it can be concluded that the ape-man who stood up there and is a different species from humans.
Most likely they are extinct because the nation lost the dominance of the region
with the human race.
At the time of the founding Penatarantemple can be concluded that there are three types of species that already have a civilization, namely:
the human race, a race of giants, and the ape-man standing upright.
In a manner of death, man in the old days when death will be cremated,
so that the fossils will not be found.
Different ways cremation rituals in various
and the current variety of ways cremation can still be found in many places in
various parts of the Earth.
So it can be estimated; fossil ape-man who stood up straight is not the human race,
human fossils as well as a tall, fanged and also not a human race that decreases in the present.
Initial proof of the mystery that is at the Temple Cetho, Sukuh and Penataran temple
in line with the indications given by Professor Arysio Nunes dos Santos of Brazil stated that Atlantis really existed, and was in Indonesia.
Professor Arysio Nunes dos Santos, a geologist and spent nuclear physicist for 30 years to prove from Plato's account of the existence of civilization of Atlantis,
all research results point to Indonesia, as the nation's children will only stay
diamkah we deal with these world-class research results?
much less evidence in
in parallel supporting empirical research results can be seen directly
at Temple Cetho, Sukuh and Penataran temple.


Banyak sekali penafsiran umum akan nama Nusantara, mungkin yang paling populer adalah rujukan
penamaan Nusantara yang dapat diakses di situs Wikipedia, di sana disebutkan bahwa ‘Nusantara
merupakan istilah yang dipakai oleh orang Indonesia untuk menggambarkan wilayah kepulauan
Indonesia dari Sabang sampai Merauke’; pertanyaannya, apakah hanya sebatas itu sajakah wilayah
Nusantara dulu?
Nusa sendiri sering diartikan dengan pulau atau kepulauan, penamaan dari leluhur kita dahulu dalam
bahasa sansekerta, sedang dalam bahasa sansekerta dengan peradaban yang lebih lama, istilah Nusa
disebut dengan Nuswa.
Hasil dari penelitian kita terhadap beberapa rontal kuno dan beberapa prasasti, Nuswantara [atau
Nusantara] adalah gabungan dari dua kata, Nuswa atau Nusa, dan Antara. Nuswa sendiri dalam
bahasa sansekerta kuno mempunyai arti “sebuah tempat yang dapat ditinggali”, jadi tidak disebutkan
secara jelas bahwa itu adalah pulau. Seharusnya kita membuka mata dan pikiran lebar-lebar untuk
memaknai ‘sebuah tempat yang dapat ditinggali’ adalah tidak terbatas hanya di daratan yang ada di
muka bumi ini; lautan, dasar laut, tempat di luar bumi atau bahkan tempat di luar galaksi kita-pun adalah
tempat yang dapat ditinggali.
Dalam beberapa serat kuno-pun pernah tertera kata ‘Antariksa’ yang menandakan bahwa sesuatu
jangkauan yang jauh dari letak bumi-pun sudah dikenal oleh para leluhur Nuswantara.
Menurut Sastra-Jendra [catatan alam raya], leluhur kita membahasakan ‘Bumi’ dengan nama
‘Arcapada’ dan tempat kita hidup di atas bumi itu yang dinamakan lapisan bumi pertama atau Eka
Pratala, dan semuanya terdapat 7 lapisan sampai ke Sapta Pratala [inti bumi atau magma bumi]. Di luar
Arcapada, tertera nama Dirgantara yang maknanya adalah lapisan sejauh burung dapat terbang paling
tinggi, kemudian terdapat Angkasa yang maknanya adalah lapisan dari atas Dirgantara sampai ke batas
atmosfir paling tinggi, dan di luar atmosfir itulah yang disebut dengan Antariksa.
Konsepsi dari Nuswantara sendiri adalah sebuah kesatuan wilayah yang dipimpin oleh suatu
pemerintahan [kerajaan] secara absolut. Jadi dalam Nuswantara terdapat satu Kerajaan Induk dengan
puluhan bahkan ratusan kerajaan yang menginduk [bedakan menginduk dengan jajahan].
Dalam sebuah periodesasi jaman, kerajaan induk itu mempunyai seorang pimpinan dengan
kewenangannya yang sangat absolut, sehingga kerajaan-kerajaan yang menginduk sangat hormat dan
loyal kepada Kerajaan Induk dan satu sama lain antara kerajaan yang menginduk akan saling bersatu
dalam menghadapi ancaman keamanan dari negara-negara di luar wilayah Nuswantara, tak pelak
kesatuan dari Nuswantara sangat disegani, dihormati dan ditakuti oleh negara-negara lain pada jaman
Terdapat lagi istilah Salaka Nagara, istilah Salaka Nagara lebih merupakan sebuah status untuk
beberapa periodesasi masa gemilang dari Nuswantara. Dalam bahasa sansekerta, salaka berarti
seluruh alam raya, jadi pada saat ada salah sebuah Kerajaan Induk Nuswantara yang statusnya Salaka
Nagara, berarti pada masa itu semua kerajaan yang ada di muka bumi ini mempunyai pimpinan tunggal,
atau secara absolut Kerajaan Induk itu menguasai seluruh pemerintahan yang ada di muka bumi ini,
dalam sejarah gemilangnya tercatat banyak Kerajaan Induk di Nuswantara yang statusnya Salaka
Nagara, semisal : Kerajaan Keling, Kerajaan Purwadumadi, Kerajaan Medang Gili, Kerajaan Medang
Ghana, Kerajaan Medang Kamulyan, dll.

Kerajaan Induk biasanya dipimpin oleh seorang raja dengan gelar Sang Maha Prabu atau Sang Maha
Raja, bergelar Sang Maha Ratu apabila dipimpin oleh seorang perempuan, pada periode jaman
sebelumnya dengan Sang Rakai atau Sang Mapanji, serta dibantu oleh Patih [sekarang setara dengan
Perdana Menteri] yang bergelar Sang Maha Patih.
Sedangkan kerajaan-kerajaan yang menginduk, istilah Kerajaan juga seringkali disebut dengan
Kadipaten yang dipimpin oleh raja yang bergelar Kanjeng Prabu Adipati atau Kanjeng Ratu Adipati
[apabila dipimpin oleh seorang raja perempuan], dan Patih-nya bergelar Sang Patih.
Pimpinan Kerajaan Induk tidaklah selamanya turun-temurun, tidak tergantung dari besar-kecilnya
wilayah, tapi dilihat dari sosok pimpinannya yang mempunyai kharisma sangat tinggi, kecakapannya
dalam memimpin negara dan keberaniannya dalam mengawal Nuswantara, sehingga negara-negara
lain [kerajaan yang menginduk/Kadipaten] akan dengan suka rela menginduk di bawah sang pemimpin,
apalagi sang pemimpin biasanya dianggap mewarisi perbawa dari para Dewa, dalam pewayangan-pun
beberapa nama raja disebutkan sebagai Dewa sing ngejawantah.
Dan apabila setelah sebuah periode pemerintahan berakhir, tampuk kepepimpinan Kerajaan Induk
bergeser ke pimpinan dari negara yang berbeda, maka status kerajaan induk yang lama berubah
menjadi Kadipaten.
Nuswantara, atau Indonesia kini [dari bahasa melayu dan pengembangan penamaan wilayah nusantara pada
jaman masa kolonial], dahulu dikenal dunia sebagai bangsa yang besar dan terhormat. Orang luar bilang
Nuswantara adalah “Jamrud Khatulistiwa” karena di samping Negara kita ini kaya akan hasil bumi
juga merupakan Negara yang luar biasa megah dan indah.
Bahkan di dalam pewayangan, Nuswantara ini dulu diberikan istilah berbahasa Kawi/Jawa kuno, yaitu :
“Negara kang panjang punjung pasir wukir, gemah ripah loh jinawi, tata tentrem kerto raharja”
Artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia kurang lebih yaitu :
“ Luas berwibawa yang terdiri atas daratan dan pegunungan, subur makmur, rapi tentram, damai dan sejahtera “
Sehingga tidak sedikit banyak negara-negara lain yang dengan sukarela bergabung di bawah naungan
bangsa kita.
Hal ini tentu saja tidak lepas peranan dari leluhur-leluhur kita yang beradat budaya dan ber-etika tinggi.
Di samping bisa mengatur kondisi Negara sedemikian makmur, leluhur kita juga bahkan dapat
mengetahui kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan dan menuliskannya ke dalam karya sastra yang
bertujuan sebagai panduan atau bekal anak cucunya nanti supaya lebih berhati-hati dalam menjalani
roda kehidupan.

Akan tetapi penulisannya tidak secara langsung menggambarkan berbagai kejadian di masa
mendatang, digunakanlah perlambang sehingga kita harus jeli untuk dapat mengetahui apa yang
dimaksud dengan perlambang itu tadi. Digunakannya perlambang karena secara etika tidaklah sopan
apabila manusia mendahului takdir, artinya mendahului Tuhan yangMaha Wenang.
Leluhur kita yang menuliskan kejadian masa depan adalah Maha Raja dari Kerajaan Dahana Pura
bernama Sang Mapanji Sri Aji Jayabaya dalam karyanya Jayabaya Pranitiradya dan Jayabaya
Pranitiwakyo. Sering juga disebut “Jangka Jayabaya” atau oleh masyarakat sekarang dikenal dengan
nama “Ramalan Jayabaya”, sebetulnya istilah ramalan kuranglah begitu tepat, karena “Jangka
Jayabaya” adalah sebuah Sabda, Sabda Pandhita Ratu dari Sang Mapanji Sri Aji Jayabaya, yang
artinya adalah akan terjadi dan harus terjadi.
Leluhur lainnya adalah R. Ng. Ranggawarsita yang menyusun kejadian mendatang ke dalam tembangtembang,
antara lain Jaka Lodang, Serat Kalatidha, Sabdatama, dll.
Kaitannya dengan penanggalan jaman yang ada di Jangka Jayabaya, kita berhasil menemukan bahwa
sejarah Nuswantara tidak sekerdil seperti sejarah yang tertulis di buku-buku pelajaran sejarah sekolah
yang resmi atau literasi sejarah yang ada. Bahkan lebih dari itu, kami menemukan bukti tentang
kebesaran leluhur Nuswantara yang di peradaban-peradaban sebelumnya mempunyai wilayah yang
lebih besar dari yang kita duga selama ini.
Data yang diperoleh terdapat di beberapa relief dan prasasti yang dapat dilihat dan dimengerti oleh
semua orang. Pola pembacaan yang telah berhasil dipetakan dengan mendokumentasikan puluhan
jenis aksara purba asli Nuswantara yang dapat dipakai untuk membaca prasasti dan rontal-rontal kuno,
di antaranya adalah Sastra Kala Purwa, Sastra Kala Dwara, Sastra Kala Dwapara, Sastra Kala Praniti,
Sastra Kala Wisesa, dll. Sebagai bahan perbandingan, aksara Pallawa yang ada di India itu masih setara
dengan jaman Kerajaan Singasari, jadi masih terhitung sangat muda.
Kembali ke Jangka Jayabaya, telah berhasil dipetakan periodesasi terciptanya bumi sampai ke titik akhir
menjadi 3 [tiga] Jaman Kali [Jaman Besar] atau Tri Kali, dan setiap Jaman Besar atau Kali terbagi menjadi
7 [tujuh] Kala [Jaman Sedang] atau Sapta Kala, dan 1 [satu] Jaman Sedang [Kala] terbagi menjadi 3 [tiga]
Mangsa Kala [Jaman Kecil], serta berhasil mengurutkan sejarah kerajaan-kerajaan induk yang ada di
Nuswantara yang mayoritas telah dihilangkan dari sejarah resmi.
Tri Kali atau 3 Jaman Besar itu terdiri dari :
Masing-masing Jaman Besar berusia 700 Tahun Surya, suatu perhitungan tahun yang berbeda dengan
Tahun Masehi maupun Tahun Jawa, perhitungan tahun yang digunakan sejak dari awal peradaban.
Konversi setiap Jaman Besar [Kali] masing-masing berbeda, itu dikarenakan karena perputaran bumi
tidak linear, perhitungan masa dalam satu Tahun Surya di Jaman besar Kali Yoga lebih lama dari
perhitungan masa dalam satu Tahun Surya di Jaman Besar Kali Sangara, dan perhitungan masa dalam
satu Tahun Surya di jaman Besar Kali Swara lebih lama dari perhitungan masa dalam satu Tahun Surya
di Jaman Besar Kali Yoga.

Saat ini yang telah berhasil dikonversikan adalah penghitungan untuk Jaman Besar Kali Sangara [jaman
akhir], di mana 1 [satu] Tahun Surya setara dengan 7 [tujuh] Tahun Wuku, satu tahun Wuku terdiri dari 210
hari yang berarti 1 [satu] Tahun Surya pada jaman besar Kali Sangara itu sama dengan 1.470 hari.

Berikut adalah uraian tentang pembagian jaman disertai dengan silsilah Kerajaan-kerajaan Besar
[Kerajaan Induk] di Nuswantara mulai dari Jaman Besar Kali Swara, Kali Yoga, sampai Kali Sangara.

1. Kali Swara [ jaman penuh suara alam ]
Dibagi atas 7 Jaman Sedang [Sapta Kala], yaitu :

1.1. Kala Kukila [burung]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
1.1.1 Mangsa Kala Pakreti [mengerti]
1.1.2 Mangsa Kala Pramana [waspada]
1.1.3 Mangsa Kala Pramawa [terang]

1.1. Kala Kukila | 0 - 100 Tahun Surya 1.1.a Keling 1.1.b Purwadumadi 1.1.c Purwacarita / Purwakandha 1.1.d Magadha 1.1.e Gilingwesi 1.1.f Sadha Keling
1.2. Kala Budha [mulai munculnya kerajaan]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
1.2.1 Mangsa Kala Murti [kekuasaan]
1.2.2 Mangsa Kala Samsreti [peraturan]
1.2.3 Mangsa Kala Mataya
[manunggal dengan Sang Pencipta]

1.2. Kala Budha | 101 - 200 Tahun Surya 1.2.a Gilingwesi 1.2.b Medang Agung 1.2.c Medang Prawa 1.2.d Medang Gili / Gilingaya 1.2.e Medang Gana 1.2.f Medang Pura 1.2.g Medang Gora 1.2.h Grejitawati 1.2.i Medang Sewanda

1.3. Kala Brawa [berani/menyala]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
1.3.1 Mangsa Kala Wedha [pengetahuan]
1.3.2 Mangsa Kala Arcana [tempat sembahyang]
1.3.3 Mangsa Kala Wiruca [meninggal]

1.3. Kala Brawa | 201 - 300 Tahun Surya 1.3.a Medang Sewanda 1.3.b Medang Kamulyan 1.3.c Medang Gili / Gilingaya

1.4. Kala Tirta [air bah]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
1.4.1 Mangsa Kala Raksaka [kepentingan]
1.4.2 Mangsa Kala Walkali [tamak]
1.4.3 Mangsa Kala Rancana [percobaan]

1.4. Kala Tirta | 301 - 400 Tahun Surya 1.4.a Purwacarita 1.4.b Maespati 1.4.c Gilingwesi 1.4.d Medang Gele / Medang Galungan

1.5. Kala Rwabara [keajaiban]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
1.5.1 Mangsa Kala Sancaya [pergaulan]
1.5.2 Mangsa Kala Byatara [kekuasaan]
1.5.3 Mangsa Kala Swanida [pangkat]

1.5. Kala Rwabara | 401 - 500 Tahun Surya 1.5.a Gilingwesi 1.5.b Medang Kamulyan 1.5.c Purwacarita 1.5.d Matswapati 1.5.e Wiratha Wetan 1.5.f Gilingwesi

1.6. Kala Rwabawa [ramai]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
1.6.1 Mangsa Kala Wibawa [pengaruh]
1.6.2 Mangsa Kala Prabawa [kekuatan]
1.6.3 Mangsa Kala Manubawa [sarasehan/

1.6. Kala Rwabawa | 501 - 600 Tahun Surya 1.6.a Galuh 1.6.b Purwacarita 1.6.c Wirata Anyar

1.7. Kala Purwa [permulaan]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
1.7.1 Mangsa Kala Jati [sejati]
1.7.2 Mangsa Kala Wakya [penurut]
1.7.3 Mangsa Kala Mayana
[tempat para maya/ Hyang]

1.7. Kala Purwa | 601 - 700 Tahun Surya 1.7.a Wirata Kulon 1.7.b Hastina Pura

2. Kali Yoga [ jaman pertengahan ]
Dibagi atas 7 Jaman Sedang [Sapta Kala], yaitu :

2.1. Kala Brata [bertapa]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
2.1.4 Mangsa Kala Yudha [perang]
2.1.5 Mangsa Kala Wahya [saat/waktu]
2.1.6 Mangsa Kala Wahana [kendaraan]

2.1. Kala Brata | 701 - 800 Tahun Surya
2.1.a Hastina Pura

2.2. Kala Dwara [pintu]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
2.2.1 Mangsa Kala Sambada
[sesuai/ sepadan]
2.2.2 Mangsa Kala Sambawa [ajaib]
2.2.3 Mangsa Kala Sangkara [nafsu amarah

2.2. Kala Dwara | 801 - 900 Tahun Surya 2.2.a Hastina Pura 2.2.b Malawapati 2.2.c Dahana Pura 2.2.d Mulwapati 2.2.e Medang Penataran 2.2.f Kertanegara

2.3. Kala Dwapara [para dewa]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
2.3.1 Mangsa Kala Mangkara [ragu-ragu]
2.3.2 Mangsa Kala Caruka [perebutan]
2.3.3 Mangsa Kala Mangandra

2.3. Kala Dwapara | 901 - 1.000 Tahun Surya
2.3.a Pengging Nimrata
2.3.b Galuh
2.3.c Prambanan
2.3.d Medang Nimrata
2.3.e Grejitawati

2.4. Kala Praniti [teliti]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
2.4.1 Mangsa Kala Paringga
2.4.2 Mangsa Kala Daraka [sabar]
2.4.3 Mangsa Kala Wiyaka [pandai

2.4. Kala Praniti | 1.001 - 1.100 Tahun Surya
2.4.a Purwacarita
2.4.b Mojopura
2.4.c Pengging
2.4.d Kanyuruhan
2.4.e Kuripan
2.4.f Kedhiri
2.4.g Jenggala
2.4.h Singasari

2.5. Kala Teteka [pendatang]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
2.5.1 Mangsa Kala Sayaga [bersiap-siap]
2.5.2 Mangsa Kala Prawasa [memaksa]
2.5.3 Mangsa Kala Bandawala [perang]

2.5. Kala Teteka | 1.101 - 1.200 Tahun Surya
2.5.a Kedhiri
2.5.b Galuh
2.5.c Magada
2.5.d Pengging

2.6. Kala Wisesa [sangat berkuasa]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
2.6.1 Mangsa Kala Mapurusa [sentosa]
2.6.2 Mangsa Kala Nisditya
[punahnya raksasa]
2.6.3 Mangsa Kala Kindaka [bencana

2.6. Kala Wisesa | 1.201 - 1.300 Tahun Surya
2.6.a Pengging
2.6.b Kedhiri
2.6.c Mojopoit (Majapahit

2.7. Kala Wisaya [fitnah]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
2.7.1 Mangsa Kala Paeka [fitnah]
2.7.2 Mangsa Kala Ambondan
2.7.3 Mangsa Kala Aningkal [menendang]

2.7. Kala Wisaya | 1.301 - 1.400 Tahun Surya 2.7.a Mojopoit 2.7.b Demak 2.7.c Giri

3. Kali Sangara [ jaman akhir ]
Dibagi atas 7 Jaman Sedang [Sapta Kala], yaitu :

3.1. Kala Jangga [leher]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
3.1.1 Mangsa Kala Jahaya [keluhuran]
3.1.2 Mangsa Kala Warida [kerahasiaan]
3.1.3 Mangsa Kala Kawati [mempersatukan]

3.1. Kala Jangga | 1.401 - 1.500 Tahun Surya
3.1.a Pajang
3.1.b Mataram

3.2. Kala Sakti [kuasa]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
3.2.1 Mangsa Kala Girinata [Syiwa]
3.2.2 Mangsa Kala Wisudda [pengangkatan]
3.2.3 Mangsa Kala Kridawa [perselisihan

3.2. Kala Sakti | 1.501 - 1.600 Tahun Surya
3.2.a Mataram
3.2.b Kartasura

3.3. Kala Jaya
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
3.3.1 Mangsa Kala Srenggya [angkuh]
3.3.2 Mangsa Kala Rerewa [gangguan]
3.3.3 Mangsa Kala Nisata [tidak sopan]

3.3. Kala Jaya | 1.601 - 1.700 Tahun Surya
3.3.a Kartasura
3.3.b Surakarta
3.3.c Ngayogyakarta

3.4. Kala Bendu [hukuman/musibah]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
3.4.1 Mangsa Kala Artati [uang/materi]
3.4.2 Mangsa Kala Nistana [tempat nista]
3.4.3 Mangsa Kala Justya [kejahatan

3.4. Kala Bendu | 1.701 - 1.800 Tahun Surya
3.4.a Surakarta
3.4.b Ngayogyakarta
3.4.c Indonesia (Republik)

3.5. Kala Suba [pujian]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
3.5.1 Mangsa Kala Wibawa
3.5.2 Mangsa Kala Saeka [bersatu]
3.5.3 Mangsa Kala Sentosa [sentosa

3.5. Kala Suba | 1.801 - 1.900 Tahun Surya

3.6. Kala Sumbaga [terkenal]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
3.6.1 Mangsa Kala Andana [memberi]
3.6.2 Mangsa Kala Karena [kesenangan]
3.6.3 Mangsa Kala Sriyana
[tempat yang indah]

3.6. Kala Sumbaga | 1.901 - 2.000 Tahun Surya

3.7. Kala Surata [menjelang jaman akhir]
Dibagi atas 3 Jaman Kecil [Mangsa Kala] :
3.7.1 Mangsa Kala Daramana [luas]
3.7.2 Mangsa Kala Watara [sederhana]
3.7.3 Mangsa Kala Isaka [pegangan]

3.6. Kala Surata | 2.001 - 2.100 Tahun Surya

Minimal mulai dari sekarang sangat penting bagi para anak bangsa untuk mengetahui betapa hebat dan
luhurnya peran para leluhur Nuswantara ini, terbukti dengan telah tersusunnya silsilah kerajaankerajaan
Nuswantara mulai dari peradaban awal sampai saat sekarang, para anak bangsa tidak hanya
sekedar mengenal Kerajaan Mataram, Majapahit, Singasari, Kuripan dan Kediri saja; akan tetapi masih
banyak kerajaan-kerajaan di peradaban yang lebih lama yang entah oleh sebab apa sekarang ini
kebesaran Kerajaan tersebut telah digeser ke cerita mitos. Adalah penting semua kebesaran dan
kehebatan leluhur kita jatuh kepada kita sendiri sebagai anak cucu yang seharusnya mewarisinya.
Metode penelitian dan penelusuran yang digunakan selama ini adalah dengan mengkompilasikan studi
literasi pada relief-relief, prasasti-prasasti serta rontal-rontal kuno yang dipadukan dengan Sastra
Cetha, sastra yang tidak tersurat secara langsung. Sastra Cetha sendiri adalah sebuah informasi tak
terbatas yang sudah digambarkan oleh alam semesta secara jelas, sebegitu jelasnya sehingga sampai
tidak dapat terlihat kalau kita menggunakan daya penangkapan yang terlalu tinggi dan rumit :-)
Belajar dari tanah sendiri, belajar dari ajaran Leluhur Nusantara sendiri, belajar banyak dari alam
semesta, di mana bumi diinjak, di situ langit dijunjung.

Disusun oleh : Agung Bimo Sutejo &Timmy Hartadi

Tahun Surya tidak sama dengan perhitungan Tahun Masehi ataupun Tahun Jawa, dalam 1 Tahun Masehi terdiri dari Skema Pembagian Jaman dan Perhitungan Tahun Surya 365 hari, sedangkan dalam 1 Tahun Jawa terdiri dari 354 hari. Tahun Surya menggunakan perhitungan dari wuku [Tahun Pawukon] yang perhitungannya dibuat oleh Sanghyang Wisnu, sebuah perhitungan awal mula yang dibuat oleh dewa. Dalam kalender Pawukon terdiri dari 30 Wuku, di mana masing-masing Wuku berusia 7 hari, jadi dalam 1 Tahun Pawukon terdiri dari 210 hari. Setiap tujuh kali putaran tahun Pawukon yang total berjumlah 1.470 hari, itulah yang disebut dengan 1 Tahun Surya, jadi 1 Tahun Surya sama dengan 7 kali Tahun Pawukon, atau setara dengan sekitar 4 Tahun Masehi.
Konversi perhitungan tahun tepatnya adalah sebagai berikut :
1 Tahun Surya = 7 Tahun Pawukon = 4,027 Tahun Masehi = 4,153 Tahun Jawa, atau setara dengan 1.470 hari.
1 Jaman Sedang Kala = 100 Tahun Surya = 700 Tahun Pawukon = 402,7 Tahun Masehi = 415,3 Tahun Jawa, atau setara dengan 147.000 hari.
1 Jaman Besar Kali = 7 Jaman sedang Kala = 700 Tahun Surya = 4.900 Tahun Pawukon = 2.818,9 Tahun Masehi = 2.907,1 Tahun Jawa, atau setara dengan 1.029.000 hari.
Jangka Jayabaya yang berusia triKali atau 3 Jaman Besar Kali = 21 Jaman Sedang Kala = 2.100 Tahun Surya = 14.700 Tahun Pawukon = 8.456,7 Tahun Masehi = 8.721,3 Tahun Jawa, atau setara dengan 3.087.000 hari.